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Our Trainers

BSS comprises of a group of Bild ACT Certificated Instructor Trainers who offer training to enable members of staff, from your organisation, to deliver courses in the use and development of proactive approaches in relation to behaviours that cause concern.

We can provide training in a range of approaches that use: physical interventions and breakaway techniques as a last resort.

The Instructor Trainer Group

Our Instructor Trainers have experience working in a number of different care settings including: learning disability settings; older people's services; services for people with mental health issues; services for children and young people with complex needs. In these settings, they work in teams and on their own so have an understanding of the issues that can affect staff and the people they support.

BSS Instructors, having initially trained, have all gone through a rigorous and on-going process of assessment and training before becoming qualified to deliver the training to prospective instructors.

Once an instructor has maintained their Certificate for 2 years they become eligible to become an Assistant Instructor Trainer. This involves working for the BSS organisation delivering training; offering support and attending meetings. As well as contributing to the Instructors CPD portfolio this also benefits the organisation that they work for through the sharing of ideas and good practice with organisations from across the country.

BSS Instructor Trainers

  • Marie Farquhar - VSA
  • Annie Cosnette - VSA
  • Sheila Baird - VSA
  • Alison Young - Inspire

BSS Advisory Group

In 2011, a BSS Advisory Group was created. This is a group of approx 6 - 8 BSS Instructors with an Independent Convenor. They meet several times a year and discuss issues arising from the training and future development of BSS. Along with the Instructor Trainer group and the Independent Support and Advisor they will give advice and consultation on all BSS issues as they arise.

BSS Independent Support and Advisor

BSS works with an Independent Support and Advisor who gives support advice and consultation on all issues as they arise.

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